I was wondering, can Proxmox be installed and can it run properly on a KVM VPS?

I decided to find out. There are some instances of others doing this, and I wanted to try it on my KVM VPS from SSDNodes.

Now, that doesn't mean I think it's a good idea. A neat idea maybe, but a good idea? Maybe not.

Reprovision the VPS with Debian 10

Since Proxmox is made to install on Debian, I reprovisioned a KVM VPS with Debian 10.

Proxmox comes as a disk image which is usually installed on a bare metal server, but the Proxmox packages can also be installed separately on a server that is already running Debian. The second option is what I did.

Follow the instructions from the Proxmox web site on how to install Proxmox on Debian

I am using Debian 10, codenamed "Buster", and the instructions for installing Proxmox on this Debian version can be found on the Proxmox wiki.

Proxmox installed fine, I guess.

I mean, the actual web interface was functional. But I think when you install Proxmox from DVD it creates the bridge and does everything. 

I had trouble creating the bridge in a way that things actually, um, worked. Proxmox would create containers but they couldn't access the network. And I didn't have enough patience or need, or Patience x Need = ?, to figure it out.

So I abandonded my goal of installing Proxmox on my KVM VPS.

Instead, I'm using LXD/LXC, and so far it's pretty slick. I've written a bit about using LXD/LXC on Ubuntu (cause that's the distro I'm using) and how I overcame some problems with it, namely, how to solve the problem of lxd and lxc hanging on Ubuntu.

Basically, I figured Proxmox was a nice control panel for VMs and Containers, but it was too much trouble for me to set up. And besides, as far as I know, I can't even run kernel based vms when the host is a kernel based vm. I can install all the containers I want with the simple and easy to use LXD/LXC system. 

And I'm pretty stoked because I can containerize things without using docker.