There are certain definite signs of pregnancy that may further differ from woman to woman. Visit the following link to find more information on early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

Early pregnancy signs don't simply mean a missed period or craving for specific food. There are several indicators which help confirm the evolution of a new life within you from the time you conceive.

On conceiving, your body readies itself for motherhood by releasing the specific hormones. One of the foremost indicators is tender breasts which are due to these hormones. This is the result of the accumulation of the breast tissue that will help produce milk.

A few women may even experience spotting, which is light bleeding due to implantation. It is often mistaken for a period, but it is lighter than the usual period.

Cramps are also one of the signs which are also mistaken as menstrual cramps at times. However, they are due to the implanting of fertilized eggs in the uterus lining.

On conceiving, within a week or two you may feel tired very quickly. There is a loss of energy and you start feeling tired even with your usual daily activities. You may hit the bed earlier than usual and also prefer small energy naps. However, you can conserve energy by including a healthy diet.

Similar to breasts preparing for motherhood, nipples also undergo a slight transformation. They may appear larger or darker, clearly indicating the beginning of new life but they will return back to their original shape and color after delivery.

You may also feel slightly nauseated. However, morning sickness doesn't usually surface right away. Initially, you may even experience motion sickness. Bloating can also be a sign indicating you are pregnant and unfortunately the time to bid goodbye to your favorite clothes for sometime.

Irresistible cravings and sudden urges for a particular food are often a common sign. With this indicator, it is important to take care of your diet and eat healthy and nutritional food that is essential for you and your baby.

If you are facing more frequent headaches than usual, it could be one of the early pregnancy signs which is due to hormonal changes. You can visit your doctor for confirmation. Hormonal changes also slow down the digestive tract for an enhanced absorption of the essential nutrients. This change is also an essential sign.

Mood swings are also early indicators, in fact they stick in for quite some time, even after delivery. They may disappear a few weeks after conceiving but can erupt again.

Another indicator is that your basal body temperature may be higher than the usual temperature forming yet another sign. Vaginal discharge and back pain accompanied with cramps are also some of the foremost signs.

These signs may vary for different women. It is always better to take a test and then visit a doctor. When you have conceived, quick detection will enable the desired medical help for you and your baby. Do not panic and put aside your anxiety by being familiar with early pregnancy signs.