You?ve no doubt heard it said many times before, ?If you want to lose your beer gut, you are going to have to give up the beer.?

Right?? Wrong!

Hundreds of men around the world today manage to stay in shape while they continue to enjoy drinking beer guilt free at the same time. So what?s their secret?

The secret lies in the ?The Fat Loss Workout Ladder.?

The Fat Loss Workout Ladder

Think about your favourite sports team. Where do they sit on the ladder? If they sit near the top, then they obviously have a better chance of winning.

The same goes with the fat loss workout ladder. There are lots of different ways to exercise for weight loss, however not all ways are equal. Some fat loss workouts are far superior to others and will help you get the results you want faster than any of the other strategies.

So let?s cut to the chase and take a look at the ladder:

The Fat Loss Workout Ladder

1. Resistance Training
2. Interval Training
3. High Intensity Steady State Cardio
4. Low Intensity Steady State Cardio

The top two on the ladder, resistance (strength) training and interval training, should be the focus of your workouts. This is particularly true if you are a busy man, as they will give you the best results in the least amount of time.

The bottom two should be left for those men who have way too much time to spend exercising, and aren?t looking to get in shape fast.

Why are resistance training and interval training superior workouts?

The simple reason is this; because these types of workouts cause your body to burn belly fat long after you have finished exercising.

The amount of calories we burn from an exercise session alone, only contributes a small amount to our overall daily energy expenditure. Most of our expended energy comes from our Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Therefore you need to focus on increasing your RMR so your body burns more calories 24 hours a day.

Resistance Training for Fat Loss

Resistance training builds your muscle mass and elevates your metabolism better than any other form of exercise. Your body expends more energy to support muscle; therefore increasing your muscle mass will help burn more calories per day.

You may wonder why there are still a lot of men with large muscles who are overweight. This is because you must also be consuming a healthy diet and not over eating. The more muscle mass you have, the easier it is to over eat because your body can handle more food. If you don?t eat more than you need, then your body will start burning your belly fat as fuel, instead of the food you eat.

The Proof

In 1999, there was a study done by Kramer, Volek et al, looking at resistance training for fat loss in men.

Subjects were placed in one of three groups; diet only, diet plus aerobic exercise, and diet, plus aerobic exercise plus resistance training.

The diet only group lost 14.6 pounds in 12 weeks.

The diet plus aerobic exercise group lost 15.6 pounds, only one more pound than the diet only group.

The diet plus aerobic exercise plus resistance training group lost 21.1 pounds of fat. This is 44% more than diet alone.

So as you can see, the addition of aerobic exercise didn?t result in any significant increase in fat loss compared to resistance training.

Interval Training for Fat Loss

Interval training is a form of cardiovascular training where you repeat high intensity intervals with lower intensity intervals. For example, a running interval workout may involve running for one minute at a high intensity followed by one minute at a lower recovery pace (note: Intervals do not have to be equal in length).

Interval training is effective because it elevated your metabolism higher than other forms of cardio and burns more calorie overall. While traditional steady state cardio may burn more calories during the exercise session itself, your metabolism returns to its normal resting state almost immediately. With interval training, your metabolic rate can be increased for hours after the exercise session has finished. This means more calories are burned overall and a greater fat loss is achieved.

Additional Proof

In a 1994 study by Tremblay, Simoneau and Bouchard, endurance (steady state cardio) was compared to interval training.

The endurance training group had a higher total energy cost, but the interval training group lost 9 times more fat compared to energy expended. Yes that is not a misprint; 9 times more fat!

Do you still want to do long, boring cardio training to lose weight?

So how does beer fit in to the equation?

Basically, if you commit to resistance and interval training for your fat loss workouts, it will be so effective, that when combined with a healthy diet, you will be able to enjoy a few beers on the weekend guilt free! Your metabolism will be so revved up that your body turns into a ?24 hour a day? fat burning machine.

If you would like to be able to drink beer and still lose your gut, make sure you check out the Slab to Abs Challenge. The Slab to Abs Challenge is a fat loss program for busy men that uses a combination of resistance and interval training. This will help you rapidly lose a few pounds of flab, pack on more muscle and define your abs.

Start the 12 Week Slab to Abs Challenge today!