I don't know about you, but I sometimes have trouble writing articles. It's hard to get started sometimes, and it's hard to keep going.

The thing that makes it hardest for me is connecting with readers. I've always heard you're supposed to write in a casual tone if you're doing the type of non-serious website writing that I'm doing. A conversational tone you might call it.

But the biggest struggle that I've had with trying to adopt a casual, conversational tone is that when I'm typing on my keyboard I don't feel like I'm actually talking to anyone.

Probably because I'm not.

So I thought to my self that maybe it would help if I could feel like I was talking to someone. I could maybe, look at a picture of someone when I write. And that's just what I did. I started looking at a picture of people - lots of them in fact - when I write. And I think it helps.

Now here's what I'm doing. I went over to http://randomuser.me. I just heard of this site, and what it does is it loads a page full of random people thumbnails. They're all faces, and you can get a page of male faces or female faces. 

Well I'll just show you a screenshot so you can see what I mean by this....

So above you can see, those are the beautiful faces I'm looking at right now as I type. My eyes scan the different thumbnails as I write and I feel like it does something amazing. I feel connected to an audience, because you know, if you're just typing on a keyboard you're alone, but something about having all of the faces in front of me as I type allows me to feel like I'm speaking to somebody, or lots of somebodies.

You might want to try this. You might be able to awaken a feeling of connection with your audience when you write if you do this.

And I think I said there's male faces too. I wish you could get a mix but you can't. 

Here's a picture of the fellas below just so they're not left out.

So yeah, I do recommend you give this a go if you want to "humanize" your writing a bit. 

For me I've learned that my thoughts seem to flow more clearly in some instances when I'm looking at a face. Looking at a face (or a 100 of them) brings out something more social in my writing. And it feels good to feel like that when I'm writing.