Busynoggin has put together a great package for working with Templavoila. It is a Templavoila framework of sorts that makes working with Templavoila and different site themes much more manageable.

I haven't explored much of what is Busynoggin's Templavoila implementation (yet), but I'd like to introduce the simple to use TYPO3 Quicksite installer from BusyNoggin.com

What it offers is a quicksite containing a complete TYPO3 installation along with BusyNoggin's Templavoila implementation that can be installed with a minimal amount of clicks. After the quick installation process, the user has available to them a ready to go TYPO3 site, complete with some example pages and some beautiful layouts.

The complete installer is made available by BusyNoggin at templavoila.busynoggin.com/download/download/ and newbie friendly instructions on installing the Quicksite can be found at templavoila.busynoggin.com/download/quicksite-installation/

TYPO3 is notorious for being not very newbie friendly, but Ron Hall of BusyNoggin has done an excellent job of packaging the TYPO3 distribution from BusyNoggin. The instructions can be followed successfuly by anybody who is capable of installing Wordpress.

After installing, I did run into the problem that links weren't working. That is only because I used a sort of backwards way of copying the installation files from the directory they were extracted into. BusyNoggin includes a spare .htaccess file called copy_of_.htaccess_original_is_hidden that can be renamed to .htacces if this problem is encountered.

Once installed, the Quicksite ran without a hitch on the cPanel based shared web hosting account that I use for testing purposes. There was no additional setup steps needed in addition to the provided instructions. The Quicksite just works right out of the box.

Overall, if you've never used TYPO3, this is probably the way to go if you want to have a completely configured site up and running real quick.

I think that quicksite packages like the one that BusyNoggin has put together are something that's very much needed for TYPO3's acceptance. The official TYPO3 releases are very intimidating to newbies, but packages like BusyNoggin's Quicksite make it easy to get a TYPO3 site running, and it's almost as easy as installing Wordpress.

Overall, I think the BusyNoggin Quicksite is great, and the layouts and CSS styles look awesome. I'm looking forward to exploring it.