Today is the first I have ever heard of a Neti Pot. Read on & we'll find out what Neti pots are all about.

If you search Google for "Neti pot" you will see that these Neti pots are kind of a big deal, as they're for sale at lots of places.

So a Neti Pot is Some kind of New age nose cleaner.

Let's just cut to the chase, why don't we, and watch a Neti Pot Video.

The folks from the Himalayan Institute, which seems to bean authority when it comes to Neti pots, says that using a Neti pot can become as routine as brushing your teeth.

You fill the Neti pot with salt water and then you pour the water into one nostril as it flows out of the other nostril. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

But what are the benefits of irrigating your nasal passages with a Neti Pot? Here is where one might expect to become enlightened with some pseudo-scientific explanation of the benefits of using a Neti Pot.

WebMD seems to indicate that using a Neti pot can be beneficial in treating sinus symptoms.

And the Himalayan Institute lists a bunch of benefits to using a Neti pot on their website.

Five reasons why the Neti Pot? makes sense
1. Soothes dry nasal passages
2. Gently washes away dust, pollen, and environmental irritants
3. Offsets the effects of breathing dry indoor air (especially in winter)
4. Removes excess mucus?naturally
5. Helps you breathe freer when practicing yoga or meditation Why a Nasal Wash?, (last visited Jan. 17, 2011).

Hmm, I wonder if nasal irrigation with a Neti pot would have any benefit in the treatment of snoring.