The basic causes of acne are not far-fetched. Some of these causes are so close to you that you hardly notice them. And some of them are bad eating habits, lack of good and proper care for your skin and hormonal imbalances. This article is basically written to teach on 10 basic treatments of acne that can deal with any form of acne no matter the severity of the disease. The basic treatment tips are:

  • Get a clove of fresh garlic and rub it on the acne spot. The acne will disappear without leaving a mark if this is done regularly for some time.
  • Mix some quantity of lemon juice with cinnamon powder. Then apply it to the acne spot and it will disappear.
  • Grind a nutmeg to powder and mix it raw milk. Apply it to the affected area and watch the acne disappear like a magic without leaving a spot.
  • Mix honey with cinnamon powder to form a paste. Then apply the paste to the affected area before you sleep at night and wash it away the next morning with warm water. Do this for the next 2 weeks and watch your acne spots disappear.
  • Prepare a mixture of fresh lemon juice and rose water and apply it to the spot. This prevent the formation of blackheads and pimples.
  • Put the pulp of ripe tomato on the pimples spot. Leave it for one hour, then wash it with warm water.
  • Apply the juice of raw papaya on the pimples spot so as to reduce the swelling of the pimples.
  • Boil a glass of milk and mix lemon juice with it and apply it to the acne affected area.
  • Apply the juice of fresh mint regularly at night for treating any form of pimples, eczema and other skin infections.
  • Rub the affected area with the paste of leaves of fenugreek for 15 minutes every night. Then wash it warm water so as to prevent blackheads, pimples and wrinkles.

All these tips given above are potent ways of combating your acne naturally and getting a lasting results.

Oye Mike has been helping a lot of people to solve their acne problems. For more informative reviews on acne cure, visit