First off, I'd like to say that my initial thought would be to say that Python is the easiest programmig language to learn. And although I'm not a Python programmer, I have edited a bit of Python code and I've read some documentation and I've found that it looks really simple. I am however, mostly a PHP guy.

Lets see what others think is the easiest programming language to learn, shall we?

Somebody at WikiHow agrees with my suggestion that Python is a good programming language for beginners:

"Python is a good general-purpose language, and it is easy to learn as well as being very powerful for all kinds of applications. Perl and Java are other popular languages for beginners. Research your target application to learn if there are languages you should definitely know (e.g. SQL for databases) or avoid. Don't be confused by jargon like "object-oriented", "concurrent", or "dynamic"; these all mean things, but you won't be able to understand them until you actually have some programming experience." "How to Learn a Programming Language." 2010. wikiHow. 02 September 2010 <>.

Not only is Python a good and easy language, but I'd also like to point out that Python is powerful in the sense that when you understand Python you can do lots of things. Well, for instance, Python can be used to create applications that run on desktop computers or on web servers. And if you learn Python, you can use it to write programs that will run on Macs, Windows PC, or on Linux computers. 

Python is not only easy, Python is versatile too!.

There's also BASIC

BASIC is the language I learned first and I learned BASIC on an Apple IIe. That was a while ago. I still see people occasionally suggesting that BASIC is a good beginner language - which it is.

BASIC is used a lot these days to write programs that run on the Windows family of operating systems. And I'll vouch for what this guy on Yahoo answers says about BASIC:

"If you are building EXE type programs for standalone use - VBASIC

If you want to learn programming concepts - start with BASIC and then move to VBASIC" Ernest. "What is the easiest programming language to learn as a beginner?." 2010. Yahoo!. 02 September 2010 <>.

BASIC is really easy and it's good if you operate in a Windows centric environment.

Another vote for BASIC being the easiest computer language for a beginner to learn comes from

"MS Visual Basic will do exactly what you describe.However, anything worthwhile has to be learnt and learning takes time. There is no way of getting away from it.Visual Basic is probably the easiest to learn as it allows you to do stupid things and get away with it." "Easiest Programming Language to learn?." 2010. 02 September 2010 <>.

I'm pretty much a Linux guy, but if I was mainly a Windows guy, I'd probably learn Visual Basic first.

The Euphoria programming language?

I've not heard much about the Euphoria programming language, but it is touted as one that is easy to learn. The website claims that Euphoria is more powerful that C++. That's a pretty cool statement for a programming language that happens to be easy.

Here's a statement of what euphoria is all about:

"Euphoria is a simple, flexible, and easy-to-learn programming language. It lets you quickly and easily develop programs for Windows, DOS, Linux and FreeBSD. Euphoria was first released in 1993. Since then Rapid Deployment Software has been steadily improving it with the help of a growing number of enthusiastic users. Although Euphoria provides subscript checking, uninitialized variable checking and numerous other run-time checks, it is extremely fast. People use it to develop Windows GUI programs, high-speed DOS games, and Linux/FreeBSD X Windows programs. It is also very useful for CGI (Web-based) programming" "What Is Euphoria?." 2010. 02 September 2010 <>.

I'm actually anxious to try it now. Maybe I will.

My opinion on what is the easiest programming language to learn:

I'd have to say BASIC is really the easiest. And with Visual Basic, you can write a lot of cool programs, but they're programs that will only run on Windows. Euphoria seems to be marketed as an easy to use language, but I'm not convinced about how versatile it is. You know, it's one thing for a programming language to be easy to learn, but once you've invested the time to learn a language, wouldn't it make sense to learn a language that could do a lot of powerful things in a lot of different contexts?

I think so. And that is why I'd recommend Python for someone who is looking for the easiest programming language to learn. It's sure easy, and just as important, it can be used to do tons of amazing stuff. Go with Python, you won't be disappointed in the long run.