I had a problem today with a Javascript on my page. I include Javascript on my TYPO3 site in the footer using the page.includeJSFooter typoscript specifier. What this does is it takes a javascript file and inserts it into a file that is linked to from the footer of the web site. If there are multiple files to be included, they are concatenated unless a flag is set.

Well, I was having a problem with one script on my page not working and it was all because the script I was including did not want to be concatenated with any others. Some javascript for the Amazon affiliate program was being concatenated on top of some javascript needed for the sf_banners extension and as long as that Amazon javascript was in the same file as the javascript for the sf_banners extension, the sf_banners extension would not work. 

So I read the documentation and I learned that I could have this Amazon javascript included in a separately linked file in my footer. 

All I had to do to put the javascript in it's own file was to change it from this:

page.includeJSFooter {
        AmazonOnelink = EXT:site_package/Resources/Public/JavaScript/AmazonOnelink.js

... to this ...

page.includeJSFooter {
        AmazonOnelink = EXT:site_package/Resources/Public/JavaScript/AmazonOnelink.js
        AmazonOnelink.excludeFromConcatenation = 1

As you can see, all that was needed was to add that excludeFromConcatenation property to my included javascript and that made it so that particular javascript would not be included in the same file as any other javascript. And now my banners extension works properly on my site.

You can learn more about putting Javascript in the footer of your web site by reading the page linked below.

PAGE - TypoScript Reference master (9-dev) documentation - includeJSFooter.[array]