One of the things I hoped I could easily do when I began looking into Revive Adserver is the ability to serve responsive Google Adsense ads. 

I thought it would be as simple as creating a "Generic HTML Banner" and then pasting the responsive Google Adsense invocation code into the text box for the banner code in Revive. But there's one thing holding me back from doing that. It's that Revive requires a width and a height to be entered for the HTML ad.

So using HTML ads in Revive to serve responsive Adsense ads seemed to be out. I just really wanted to be able to serve a responsive Adsense ad in any zone, whether it is a zone made for HTML ads, for image banner ads with a specified size, or for any other kind of ad. 

Going by the results of my searching for ways to use responsive Adsense ads in Revive Adserver, I can see that other people are wanting to do this too. I wish it was easy.


A workaround

This is a workaround that is easy, but it is not optimal. 

To get Revive to serve responsive Adsense ads, you can do the following:

  1. Create a new banner of type "Generic Text Banner"
  2. Fill out the form and paste your responsive Adsense code into the banner text box
  3. Create a zone that you can serve the banner from. It can only be a zone suitable for text banners, which have no size dimensions.

As you will find this is very limited. You can serve responsive adsense ads this way, but you can only serve it in zones for text ads. You wouldn't be able to serve this way into a zone that is shared with banner ads.

So, in a nutshell, yes you can technically serve responsive ads this way, but you'll be limited in what you can do with them.