I learned about ZergNet a long time ago. Never thought it was a big deal. But I liked something about them. I don't know what. It seemed like they were on to something, something about promoting content. Can't really say what it was though.

Then I read today that:

The company that started as an ill-defined notion in the minds of a couple of gamers has now grown into the nation's 48th most-visited U.S. website. Quantcast, which ranks websites by traffic, puts ZergNet's latest monthly U.S. visitor count at 21.4 million.

Not even three years old, ZergNet now out-draws the websites of Fox News, the New York Times and Mapquest and is closing in on urbandictionary.com and walmart.com. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/09/18/zergnet-startup-iu-mark-cuban/15854979/

How in the heck? 

ZergNet, the most popular web site you've never heard of.