Here's a video which touches upon the problem of restraining order abuse. 

A real concern for victims of domestic violence would address the abuses of the system. Only by limiting the process to relief for the victims whom the laws are intended to protect will the courts and law enforcement have the resources to afford the protections promised. By ignoring these abuses in HB-5054 it is apparent that the victims of domestic violence are not the concern. The passage of HB-5054 will continue to signal that any use of the restraining order process, whether legitimate or not, is acceptable as long as it achieves the confiscation of firearms.

We should be aware that people's 2nd amendment rights are being taken away without due process through the ex parte restraining / protection order system. It's unlawful.

Not enough, in any jurisdiction, is being done to address the abuse of these easily obtained orders. 

The ease at which the restraining order process is abused makes it so that the real victims of domestic  vioence aren't taken seriously. There needs to be consequences for those who use the courts to get restraining / protective orders for malicious reasons. As long as we don't the real victims of domestic violence can't be taken as seriously as they should be.