The Illusion of WordPress Websites For Small Business Owners

Lately, I've been getting many phone calls from small business owners looking for help with their WordPress websites.  The stories are beginning to sound the same…

1) My web designer created this website for me and I can’t use it.  It’s (fill in the blank) “too difficult” or “takes too much time” or “doesn't do what I want it to do.”

2) I keep calling my web designer but there’s no answer.  He / She doesn't call me back.

3) I just added a picture to this page and now the text is all messed up.

4) My WordPress website has a virus (or it got hacked).  What can I do?

5) I’m finding it difficult to find someone who can help me and who is affordable.

6) I can’t customize the theme on my WordPress like I want to.

7) I installed a plugin and my site crashed.  I can’t fix it.

This isn't the first time I’m hearing these types of complaints.  I've heard them for many, many years.  Although I agree that it’s very “alluring” to create your own site and save the money for a web designer and maybe even marketing, the truth is that in the end, small business owners end up spending just as much, if not more, on fixing the problems that their WordPress websites give them.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike WordPress.  This post is being written ON a WordPress website.  I believe that there is definitely a valuable use for these types of sites but my 15 years of experience in this business has shown me that WordPress sites are NOT well suited for businesses.  If you’re relying on your website to bring you business and to help it grow, the best route is a custom designed site.

1) It’s more flexible and customizable.

2) A custom site can load faster because there’s much less code.

3) Custom sites are safer.  Less chance of getting hacked than a WordPress site.

4) The site owner has full control of making changes.  Albeit the designer or webmaster will have to make the changes (unless the business owner knows html coding), at least the owner can actually make the changes.

So, if you’re a small business owner, seriously think about your options between custom sites and WordPress sites.