Virtual private servers, which are also known as virtual dedicated servers are based on a technology that allows a single physical server to be split up into parts such that each part can function as a distinct server of its own.

So, each one of these single virtual servers is able to function and do everything that an actual physical dedicated server can do

Some of the most familiar names in this technology are openVZ, Zen, and Virtuoso. These are all names of the software which allows one physical machine to be separated into one or more virtual machines.

In terms of Web hosting, virtual private servers are midway between shared hosting and dedicated server hosting in terms of price, features, and performance. They allow people to do things that are usually off-limits on a shared Web hosting plan such as to install custom software, use lots more resources than shared hosts will allow, and the many benefits that having root privileges.

Some of the downsides of dedicated servers are not present with VPS servers. For instance, on a virtual private server, rebooting or reinstalling the operating system software can easily be done through a web based control panel.

Another benefit of virtual private servers over shared hosting is that when you have virtual private server, you get to have an isolated computing environment. Unlike shared hosting, your virtual private server hosting is isolated from any other user who may have a virtual private server hosting account on the same machine. That way, other customers cannot use all the CPU and RAM allotments that have been made especially for you.

Also, with a virtual private server, you won?t need to worry about other ? unethical - customers on the same machine viewing or modifying your files, or exploiting your website in any way.

For most practical purposes, a virtual private server is like having your own private machine. It?s pretty much just like a dedicated server.

Virtual private servers are low cost in comparison to dedicated servers, and they can do almost anything that a dedicated server can do. Some people run more than one virtual private server. It?s nice to have one virtual private server to host your live websites, and then another virtual private server to be used for testing purposes or as a backup of your main virtual private server.

The benefits of virtual private servers far exceed those of shared hosting and they don't come with the high price tag of a dedicated machine