Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at http://www.your-best-skin-care-site.com/ to find out what products she recommends for a skin care product made from foods that help prevent wrinkles.

Spinach contains a substance known as lutein, which hydrates your skin and helps maintain its elasticity. Spinach has been shown to highly reduce wrinkles in various studies. Tomatoes are full of antioxidants that fight aging skin as well as cancer. The loss of hyaluronic acid is one of the main causes of aging and beans can prevent it.

Scientists have discovered that the more olives you eat, the less wrinkles you will have so try cooking with extra virgin olive oil and eating more olives. Eating turkey slows down aging and prevents wrinkles due to a protein it contains. Now you have even more reason to look forward to Thanksgiving. Add these foods that prevent wrinkles to your diet so you can start reversing the aging process from the inside out.

It might be hard to believe but chocolate is also a wrinkle fighting food. Chocolate contains polyphenol, which gets rid of the active oxygen that causes aging. Thankfully, now we can have guilt-free chocolate binges! Not just any chocolate can be considered one of the foods that help prevent wrinkles however. Only dark chocolate has enough of the antioxidants necessary to have any effect.

You are what you eat and what you put on your skin also makes a difference and here's why. When you apply skin care products, they are absorbed and enter your blood stream. For that reason it is like you are eating them and you have to be very careful to use only natural skin care products. Foods that prevent wrinkles that also belong in your skin care products include maracuja, babassu, and wakame.

Maracuja is a passion fruit extract from Brazil. It is a natural emollient that is very similar to the structure of the human skin. Maracuja is rich in linolenic acid which is an essential fatty acid that helps to make your skin feel softer and smoother. Another one of the foods that helps prevent wrinkles from Brazil is babassu. It comes from a palm in the Brazilian Amazon and it moisturizes the skin without making it too oily or too dry.

One of the most powerful foods that prevent wrinkles is wakame. It was one of the best-kept beauty secrets of the Japanese for centuries but now it is available in some high quality skin care products. Wakame prevents one of the three main causes of aging by attacking hyaluronidase, which causes the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is essential to maintain the elasticity, smoothness, and tone of your skin.

In order to get the most out of foods that prevent wrinkles you need to eat them and also put them on your skin. Only doing one or the other simply isn't enough to experience the maximum benefits. So what's stopping you? Go to the grocery store and find some of these anti-aging foods and then shop online for some anti-aging skin care products that contain these powerful natural ingredients. You'll find that if you attack aging from the inside and outside, you will have younger, more beautiful skin than you ever imagined possible.