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What are cancerous moles symptoms? Perhaps you have this experience: a mole on your belly suddenly goes itchy. You mention it randomly to your family and they get very concerned and suggest a consultation with a medical expert.


Do you think they are over-reacting or being itchy is one of the cancerous moles symptoms?


Actually, it's advisable for one to be aware of the differences between a mole at its normal condition and one that may develop into cancer. The ability to identify cancerous moles symptoms may save someone from the real danger of a fatal disease.


More often than not, moles are not harmful. But in some cases, moles can be cancerous. One of these situations is that of melanoma which develops from existing moles. No everyone is alert enough to notice the symptoms of a cancerous mole in the skin. To ensure that your mole is not cancerous, your family is right - let your doctor examine it to decide if the mole is dangerous or not.


Cancerous moles symptoms are not noticeable all the time. Added to this is the fact that no common symptoms can definitely tell you if a mole is cancerous or not. So it's essential for you to observe the color, shape and size of your moles closely so that you can tell at once if they undergo any special changes that are cancerous-like.


The following are some common cancerous moles symptoms which can be summarized as the ABCDs of malignant melanoma:


1. Asymmetry - when one half of a mole has a different shape from the other half

2. Border irregular - when the mole develops scalloped or uneven edges

3. Color varied - when the mole is more than one color.

4. Diameter - when the mole has a size bigger than the diameter of a pencil eraser.


Apart from the four characteristics described above, other cancerous moles symptoms may include the appearance of a mole past age twenty, itchy skin, oozing or bleeding surface, inflamed or scaly skin, or a sore that does not heal over time.


It is always advisable to monitor your skin conditions properly to detect cancerous moles symptoms early. Whenever unsure, better seek the professional opinion of the doctor. However, to avoid overlooking moles such as those mentioned above and thus putting your health at risk, many would prefer removing them once and for all. This is particularly true today when people can remove moles at home naturally by themselves.